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We build strategic

We build long-term relationships with partners based on a synergy of competences. Together, we increase the range of solutions and services for clients.


MIM, s.r.o. acts as one of the two key partners of Qlik on the Slovak market. In implementations and consulting in the field of data management, we specialize primarily in the Talend platform, which is focused on complex data integrations and increasing data quality.

In 2024, we received the prestigious Best Growth Data Integration Partner award, which is a consequence of our continuous growth and excellent results in the field of data integration.


MIM has been an active member of ITAS since 2006. The IT Association of Slovakia (ITAS) is the largest Slovak professional association of leading domestic and foreign companies in information and communication technologies.

MIM has partnered Slovak.AI since its foundation (2019). The Slovak Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research – Slovak.AI – was founded in 2019 as a platform for excellence in artificial intelligence and connecting students, researchers, entrepreneurs, teachers and investors.

MIM is a co-founder of the Communal Research and Consulting Centre since its founding (2017). The research and advisory centre aims to promote the ideas and defend the principles of decentralization, and strive for the further strengthening of local democracy.

Tailor-made solutions



Public finance
management consultancy

Talend platform
integration solution