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Business Intelligence

BI solutions turn data into useful information, visualize it and enable correct decision-making. MIM emphasizes a consolidated and high-quality database, which is optimized for reporting and advanced analysis needs.

Data is a valuable
asset when it
generates profit.

We use data only when the resulting information increases revenues or saves costs.

MIM Business Intelligence solutions help to correctly collect, process, analyze and present data. Such solutions help you discover valuable information hidden in large data volumes and turn it into real profit.

Business optimization of BI content

We adapt the content of the company's BI to answer business users' questions. These include optimizing the structure and content of the company's BI outputs.

Technical optimization of BI

Today's data is generated at an incredible pace. So if you want to stay competitive, you need to use this data and effectively turn it into information. This necessitates a modern, multi-channel BI environment capable of processing this data into a consolidated database by using the latest enterprise technologies, open source, or cloud services.

Specialized visualizations

Visualization of relationships between data from different sources reveals business connections and dependencies that remain hidden in standard data views. Relationships between entities, the direction of flows, and the effects of changes in the entire environment can be shown and modeled in the interactive visualization solution.